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Sunday, September 26, 2010

An overview of Order Taking As A Service

Some people and even businesses may dismiss order taking as a 'no-brainer.' They might think that there is no sense of urgency in answering phones to take down orders. But for service-oriented businesses, these assumptions are wrong on both counts. Taking down orders requires a skilled professional because order taking is not limited to taking down orders accurately, processing it for payments and delivery, it also includes a thorough knowledge of the product-line.

Accurate processing of orders is an important part of every business operation. A reliable order taking service provider should be able to provide at least:

* Round–the–clock support – Takes care of your business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
* Pre–Sale Support – Order taking representatives should undergo Product Retraining workshops every month to maintain updated product knowledge, making sure they have the ability to answer even the not–so–frequently asked questions.
* Order Fulfillment Assistance – You should receive detailed, real–time reports via a personalized CRM account. A fail–safe service delivery system should be present to allow account transfers to other offices in less than an hour in times of localized catastrophes.

Order taking answering service is not limited to just hotels and flower shops but for any service-oriented enterprise as well, like pet grooming and supplies, restaurants, confectioneries, specialty food, insurance or pizza delivery. These services are actually designed to help businesses deliver quality service through a timely response to customers' inquiries and orders.

An effective order taking and answering service handled properly would gain customers' trust that definitely adds up to the reliability of one's services. If this happens, naturally, what would happen next is that other people would also know about you through the customer's word-of-mouth, thus increasing the chance of having more potential clients. Flower shops that hire answering service call centers are more likely to retain their loyal customers because of exceptional customer service skills by meeting their needs on time. Because of the staff that is specifically tasked to do the order-taking and phone answering – there are no missed opportunities for making sales. Business-owners could focus more on running their shops, and even more on their core businesses, while not being interfered with successive phone calls from their customers. Accommodating customers with their concerns would no longer be an issue. Answering service call centers would guarantee that their business communication goes without any hitches.


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